Best Practices

Here’s Why You Should Be Doing More Accessibility Testing

Users present a diversity of skills, preferences and abilities; and applications can’t be truly useful unless we consider accessibility.
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Scrum Masters: 6 Questions to Get Your Agile Team in Sync

Scrum Masters play a critical role in ensuring goal alignment, identifying risks, removing bottlenecks, and keeping sprint backlogs on track. Ask these often overlooked questions to set your agile team up for success. By Sheyinka Harry As the servant leader for an agile team, the Scrum Master does much more than facilitate meetings and remove…
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Powerful Agile Questions Every Product Owner Should be Asking

By Sheyinka Harry As the liaison between the business/customer and the team, the Product Owner is innately responsible for creating the Product Vision and Mission, as well as the resulting Product Backlog. When creating these artifacts, Product Owners spend a great portion of their time in meetings with: The stakeholders to capture their needs; The…
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Stakeholders: Three Powerful Agile Questions You Should be Asking

By Sheyinka Harry As stakeholders, we are sometimes so focused on pushing our teams to get the product out that we lose sight of the full scope of the role we play in the product delivery process. Being a stakeholder on a project isn’t just about making new product backlog requests or attending the demos…
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Six Powerful Questions Every Agile Team Member Should Ask

By Sheyinka Harry We’ve all undoubtedly experienced times when issues arise during projects and within teams that could have been easily avoided. How, you might ask? Simply by asking the right questions. Having enquiring minds and openly asking questions can help uncover potential challenges and ultimately play a huge part in the generation of optimal…
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4 Pillars of Web Testing: A Guide for Beginners

By René Thomas   In an age when the entire world is glued to screens big and small, websites are now facing an unprecedented amount of traffic 24/7. Testing these websites to ensure they are able to hit user sweet spots has now become more crucial than ever. But what if you’re a rookie tester…
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Mind Mapping in Testing: Creating Test Reports Using Mind Maps

By Brittany Stewart   In this final article of the series dedicated to Mind Mapping in Testing, I will explain how mind maps can be used as a test summary report and share a few additional tips to get you started. If you haven’t already, it might be helpful to check out my previous articles…
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MindMapping in Testing: How to Create and Share Lean Test Cases

By Brittany Stewart   In my previous article, I covered how to use mind maps to create your test strategy and test plan. I suggest you check that out if you’re new to mind mapping.  Now, I’ll walk you through how I’ve easily created test cases using a mindmap, giving you a step by step…
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Mind Mapping for Testers: How to build your Test Strategy and Test Plan

By Brittany Stewart   In my first article, Mind Mapping for Testers: A Productivity Hack for QA Teams, I shared why mind maps are a great tool for testers to use to improve the efficiency of their testing process. In this article, I’ll take a look at one of the three main applications of Mind…
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Mind Mapping in Testing: A Productivity Hack for Testers

By Brittany Stewart   Data visualization has been proven to help humans understand more complex information and enhance memory. When I started out in testing, one of my biggest challenges was being able to visualize the relevant data. I felt stuck due to information overload. There were just too many documents to read through and…
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